I checked and I have data from may 6, 15, 25 and 26 that are good quality and full LRGB sessions, I can offer these (the others are either short or did not complete). I think that while this system is useful for imaging ,,classic'' astro targets (like galaxies, nebulae etc.), it can be limited for comets (especially those like 12P, that have a nice ion tail that changes from day to day, but only has a short observation time each night). In my honest opinion, instead of users fighting for obs. time it would be a better approach for this kind of data to be scheduled and taken by default by the admin (in this case Lukas) and then made available for purchase for everyone through the site, and then everyone can buy one or several sets without limiting each other (just like at Insight observatory, but with comet data). Also, there was a discussion earlier about a possible new feature where users can request the sharing of data from a given session from each other, that would be a great option as well if many people are willing to share (for me it's no problem if others use the raw data that just happened to be taken on my request, but I don't know others opinions). Anyway, I hope we'll get a solution for this in the near future, as there surely will be other nice comets and many people willing to image it...