Hello everyone,
I have only recently started to observe remotely here at Skygems and I am very enthusiastic! I would like to use it in the future mainly to photograph objects in the southern hemisphere that I can't see from Germany or only with difficulty. Besides, I don't have nearly as much great equipment as we can use here 😉
I saw on the dashboard that someone had also photographed the Running Chicken Nebula with the FSQ106 in Namibia. That made me wonder if we could work together in the future. The intention behind this is not to harm Lukas' business or anything like that. I just thought that it would have certain advantages for everyone. I wouldn't have to reduce my exposure time for an object, but I also wouldn't have to increase it in order to expose an object sufficiently. This would give others the chance to take their turn earlier. Likewise, the telescope would not switch seasonally between the 3 most popular objects, but the number of different objects would increase significantly. The telescope would therefore be just as busy as before.
If anyone is interested, please feel free to get in touch with me, provided it's okay with Lukas!